Friday, May 15, 2009

Jewelry, Backyardigans, and Moving Day

We'll start backwards.

No, not moving blogs. This time it's a for-reals moving day. Tomorrow I help move my parents out of my childhood home of 16 years.

I'm a nostalgic kinda girl, so I'm surprised I'm not a little more upset. Maybe because their new townhouse is fraking awesome, but still. 16 years is a huge chunk of my life. I still remember that moving day. I did not want to leave our old house, and the only way my mom could convince me not to throw a fit was to get me a kitten. Trixie died almost two years ago now. And all of a sudden I'm a grown up and my parents are old. Er. Strange.

Now I watch Backyardigans with my daughter. Since she has started actually paying attention to TV, the only things that really interest her are when people (or animals) on TV sing and dance together. Being a mom, I appreciate shows that feature such things that aren't completely idiotic or obnoxious. Enter Backyardigans. Dang it, those songs are catchy. I love the rhymes. Take this for example:

Racing day, it's racing day.
Racing day, it's racing day.
It's not sausage-casing day.
Today's the day we race.

Brilliant, no? I sang it for Brandon and he laughed outloud. I've had it in my head for a while and I keep editing it to fit with what's happening in my life. Like, "Moving day, it's moving day . . ." you get the idea.

Finally, another artfire item of the day. This comes from CreativeHaven Jewelry:

It's a genuine African amethyst carved rose pendant. It goes for $89, which may seem expensive, but I'd rather spend the money here than at a chain jewelry store. Plus this item is one-of-a-kind. It'd be nice for somone with an amethyst birthstone. See more of her work at

Well that's all for now. Happy Friday!

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